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Laura Hein and Rebecca Jennison, eds.
Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies, Number 69.. Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 2010. 164 pp. Paper $24.00 (9781929280636)
Artists whose work engages in critical social commentary have never found a particularly warm reception in Japan, and most of them remain underrepresented. Even today, politically oriented artists find support and exhibition venues more easily overseas. Such has been the case with Tomiyama Taeko (b. 1921), an artist who has devoted her life to art and political activism concerning such issues as Japan’s wartime crimes and its victims in the former colonies. Because of such biting content, her art has been better appreciated outside Japan, primarily in North America and East Asia. Turning ninety-two this year, Tomiyama is far from… Full Review
July 12, 2013
Rubén Gallo
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010. 424 pp.; 18 color ills.; 41 b/w ills. Cloth $32.95 (9780262014427)
In Freud’s Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis, Rubén Gallo details the story of his voyage of discovery to trace the thin lines that connect the great Viennese thinker and founder of psychoanalysis to Mexico, itself represented by artifacts, paintings, publications, and a range of intellectuals affected by a psychoanalysis they variously translated (imaginatively rather than literally) into ways of thinking about modern Mexico. The book is also a substantial work of cultural analysis that both defies the regionalization of culture and area studies by criss-crossing the Atlantic, and it brings into a new perspective aspects of the particularity… Full Review
July 10, 2013
Thy Phu
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2012. 218 pp.; 42 b/w ills. Paper $28.95 (9781439907214 )
One cannot wade too deeply into Asian American studies without encountering the generative, foundational, and divisive concept of the model minority, or the representation of Asian Americans as exceptionally successful minorities (particularly in contrast to other ethnic groups). As described in Thy Phu’s Picturing Model Citizens: Civility in Asian American Visual Culture, the figure of the model minority both influenced the late sixties blossoming of a pan-ethnic Asian American social movement, and has propelled contemporary scholarship extending from (and expanding beyond) that formative moment (8–11). To even begin summarizing the body of work devoted to defining, contesting, and revising… Full Review
June 26, 2013
Peter Chametzky
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010. 308 pp.; 7 color ills.; 107 b/w ills. Cloth $49.95 (9780520260429)
In this important, sensitive, stimulating, but also occasionally irritating book, Peter Chametzky has provided a series of finely argued and well-documented case studies involving twentieth-century German works of art, using individual objects or larger spans of an artist’s career as catalysts for exploring the knotty problem of art’s relationship to history. Chametzky’s chosen examples—objects or artists firmly established in the discussion of German art in the context of modern society and its catastrophic manifestations—include Max Beckmann’s 1913 painting The Sinking of the Titanic and 1930s triptych Departure; Hannah Höch’s large-format Dada collage Cut with the Kitchen-Knife Dada through Germany’s… Full Review
June 26, 2013
Sally J. Cornelison
Visual Culture in Early Modernity.. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2012. 386 pp.; 13 color ills.; 88 b/w ills. Cloth $119.95 (9780754667148)
Born in 1389, Antoninus Pierozzi entered into the Dominican Order in 1405 at the new house of the Order in Fiesole, near Florence. Soon, in spite of his youth, he was called to administer various convents in Cortona, Rome, Naples, as well as Florence, and he actively worked to make them part of the Dominican Congregation of Tuscany, which had been recently established by Giovanni Dominici in order to promote a stricter form of life among the Friars Preachers. Consecrated Archbishop of Florence on March 13, 1446, he died on May 2, 1459, and was lauded among Florentines for his… Full Review
June 20, 2013
Matthew G. Looper
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009. 280 pp.; 16 color ills.; 202 b/w ills. Cloth $60.00 (9780292709881)
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Western readerships closely identified the ancient Maya with dance and bodily performance. The theme of dance is implicit in the sinuous orientalism of Frédéric de Waldeck’s renderings of Palenque relief sculpture published in 1866 (e.g., “The Beau Relief”: see Frédéric de Waldeck and Brasseur de Bourbourg, Palenqué et autres ruines de l’ancienne civilisation du Mexique, Paris: Bertrand, 1866, plate 42). The animated pose of a maize god statue from Copán Temple 22 prompted English colonial administrator and explorer A. P. Maudslay to call the figure “the singing girl” in his documentary volume of 1889 (Alfred P… Full Review
June 14, 2013
Sarah Betzer
University Park: Penn State University Press, 2012. 328 pp.; 51 color ills.; 82 b/w ills. Cloth $84.95 (9780271048758)
Sarah Betzer’s Ingres and the Studio: Women, Painting, History opens with a detail of the head of the Valpinçon Bather (1808). Turning the page, the reader is confronted with the steady gaze of Madame de Moitessier, the subject of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s striking 1856 portrait. This pairing visualizes the central problem Betzer seeks to engage: how did Ingres, a history painter who decisively turned attention to the eroticized female form, conceive of portraits of women? And what did the women who sat for these portraits desire to see in them? Betzer’s book is a detailed and sophisticated examination of… Full Review
June 14, 2013
Rachel Poliquin
Animalibus: Of Animals and Cultures.. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012. 272 pp.; 31 color ills.; 5 b/w ills. Paper $29.95 (9780271053738)
The eerie title of Rachel Poliquin’s beautifully illustrated and designed book, The Breathless Zoo, first in the exciting new “Animalibus” series edited by Nigel Rothfels and Gary Marvin, immediately calls attention to the contradictions at the heart of its subject. Taxidermy, which can be traced at least to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, is a process whereby animals are killed in order to be preserved and displayed, and in which their deaths—deliberate and celebrated in some instances, accidental or mourned in others—linger in the background of that display. The result is an irresolvable tension between the live animal taxidermy… Full Review
June 6, 2013
Horacio Fernández
Exh. cat. New York: Aperture Foundation, 2011. 256 pp.; 250 color ills. Cloth $75.00 (9781597111898)
Patrizia Di Bello, Colette Wilson, and Shamoon Zamir, eds.
London: I. B. Tauris, 2012. 288 pp.; 45 b/w ills. Paper $31.00 (9781848856165)
Ryuichi Kaneko and Ivan Vartanian
New York: Aperture Foundation, 2009. 240 pp.; 400 ills. Cloth $75.00 (9781597110945)
In their introduction to The Photobook: From Talbot to Ruscha and Beyond, Patrizia Di Bello and Shamoon Zamir make a refreshingly straightforward proposition about the historical relationship between the photograph and the printed page: “Ever since the publication of Henry Fox Talbot’s Pencil of Nature (1844–46) . . . the home of the photograph has been the book as much as the gallery wall. It could even be argued that the book is the first and proper home of the photographic image from which it moved out to take up residence in the fine art gallery and the modern… Full Review
May 31, 2013
Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich, eds.
Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2012. 336 pp.; 47 b/w ills. Cloth $100.00 (9780719084607)
The market that readers of The Rise of the Art Market in London, 1850–1939 encounter is not one driven by an invisible hand. In lieu of focusing on quantitative analyses of the “fiscal exchange value of the work of art” (15), the volume’s editors and contributors trace the tacit, coordinated, and often failed activities of myriad actors—dealers, auctioneers, collectors, painters, museum trustees, the art presses—that underpinned the development of London’s art market within a legible geographical terrain from the mid-nineteenth century to the interwar years. The collection thus privileges the theoretical parameters of “cultural geography” and the methods of art… Full Review
May 31, 2013